Home of "Quality" Miniature American Shepherds
Breeding for Excellence in Temperament
Structure, Type & Sound Genetic Health
We are very excited about sharing our information to you about the Miniature American Shepherds (formally known as Miniature Australian Shepherds). On this website our goal is to provide you with as much information about the Mini Aussies/Mini Americans so you can learn about them to make sure they are the right fit for you and your family. You should always do your research on any breed that you are considering. Here you will find the History, Health, Temperament, etc to help you learn more about the MAS. And as always, we are here to help answer any questions you may have about these awesome dogs. You can email us or we welcome your calls! Please enjoy reading the information that we have provided for you.
To meet our Family of Mini's, just click on the links above....

To learn more about the Miniature American Shepherds Click Links Below...

The Miniature American Shepherd shares many physical traits with its forebear the Australian Shepherd—only on a smaller scale. Despite their size, Minis are every inch a true herding dog: energetic, versatile, rugged, and extremely bright. Mini's move with the smooth and agile step of a dog built for hard work on punishing terrain. They can go from the Conformation ring, to Performance in many venues, to a true Companion dog!