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Health Guarantee

Seller guarantees the Puppy to be in good physical and mental condition and free from disease

at time of sale. A vaccination, deworming, and health record is provided.   Buyer must have puppy

examined by his/her own veterinarian within 3 working days following possession of puppy.   If any sign of illness is found, other than worms, diarrhea from change in diet or environment or travel stress,etc., the buyer must contact the seller immediately.   At that time, the buyer may elect to keep the puppy and assume all costs for its care, or may return the puppy for a full refund upon the seller’s receipt of the veterinarian’s statement regarding the puppy’s health.


The seller guarantees the puppy to be free of any genetic defects for a period of 26 Months from the

date of birth.   If puppy is kept on the NuVet Plus Wafers there will be an extended period of

12 Months.   If a licensed veterinarian finds that this puppy has any genetic defects, buyer may return

the puppy, at buyers expense.   Seller agrees to replace the puppy with one of equal value when

one is available.   NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE.   The puppy and a written report from the 

licensed veterinarian must be provided showing evidence of the puppy’s genetic defects within

24 hours of said exam.   We are not responsible for any veterinary bills or other expenses

acquired by the buyer.   This health guarantee does not include parasite, fleas, ticks, worms,

coccida, etc.  These are common in puppies.

Buyer also agrees for the period of 1 year the puppy will be taken to a licensed veterinarian

for routine examinations and vaccinations.   Failure to vaccinate the puppy in accordance with

veterinary recommendations, voids this health guarantee.

The seller reserves the right to have a second evaluation by seller’s veterinarian of chose

within 5 business days following receipt of the puppy before any exchange is made.

f for any reason the buyer needs to place this puppy with another party, the seller must be

Notified prior to placement.   The buyer guarantees not to resale, lease, or give to a pet store,

guard dog business, medical research facility, pound, or shelter.   Seller has first right of refusal. 


Pet/Companion (Spay/Neuter) This dog is sold as a “Pet/Companion”, and Buyer agrees to have this dog

surgically spayed or neutered no earlier than 10 to 12  months of age.   Once the procedure has been done and said Breeder has received conformation in writing from the Veterinarian, the registration papers will be mailed To said Buyer.   If Buyer chooses not to Spay/Neuter the dog within the specified time, this contract will be Null and Void.  


A third party sale of above Puppy will constitute this guarantee  NULL & VOID.


In Addition, it has come to my attention that Veterinarians are starting young puppies (before the age of 16 weeks), on Heartworm Preventative, Flea/Tick Treatments (Topical or otherwise), Bortitella Vaccine and unnecessary wormings.  If any additional treatments, other than the needed Vaccinations, are agreed to by you the owner, this Health Guarantee will be  NULL & VOID.

Please talk to me about this before agreeing to any additional treatments.


I have provided information about the Drug Sensitivity, MDR1, on the Health/Nutitional Page.  I  strongly advise that you make a note of this list of drugs and give it to your Veterinarian for future reference.   NEVER use Ivermectrin as a preventative.

We are hear for you and your new puppy 24/7 for a Lifetime.  If you have any doudts or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me.

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Kirk & Lisa Grose

Kernersville, NC

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© 2019 by Bar-KL Miniature American Shepherds.

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